New Students' Welcome Party
Today, 14th of September, 2018 was no ordinary day for the green leaves of Preston International School as the school hosted a welcome party for the New students and officially pronounced them as bonafide prestonians.
The opening speech by the proprietor - Mr. Toyin Ajayi, sounds a note of alert to the students on the Codes and Conducts of the school and to remind them that they are to be the 'doers and not hearers only' as being written in "James 1:22-25"
Spicing up the events were the competitions for both staff and students, kicking-off with the dancing round the chairs, stacking the cups, apple bobbing, dancing competition and a host of ‘funtastic’ activities where the proprietor, principal and vice principals had to join in participation. Lots of excitement filled the air while the students savored their party delicacies in a delightful atmosphere.
It was indeed a fun-time well spent!
View the pictures here.