2021 Staff IN-SErvice Training (INSET)
As part of our preparation for resumption this term, all staff members of Preston International School (teaching and non-teaching) converged in the school hall for the 15th annual INSET training for all staff.
The theme for the term, “Fight the Good Fight…” was introduced by the proprietor, Mr. Toyin Ajayi, who gave insight into what we are fighting for, how to fight and when to fight as related to the anchor scripture for the term as recorded in II Thessalonians 2:15, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle", charging all staff to uphold the winning culture by which Preston has built a good name and reputation for itself over the years. Furthermore, he gave a review of the general school policies and practices where staff were engaged with questions and answers.
The second phase of the training involved the Houseparents and Teachers where the performance analysis of the students for the previous term was reviewed. Discussions around fighting the good fight as it relates to teaching and learning, raising the academic and behavioural standards of our pupils was backed up with role plays, making it fun and practical.
Other aspects of the training were reminders of Preston's Good Lesson guide focusing on the 3-part lesson, use of learning resources, differentiation and assessment for learning.
General professional practice was also reinforced to drive the enforcement of good study skills/habits and discipline amongst students by staff through practical examples.
Without doubt, we are ready for the battle and we are sure to win through Christ our Mighty Captain. Please pray along with us even as we strive to win this generation for God.
Click here for the pictures.