Idanre Hills Excursion 2016
Mark black once said "Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax". The SS3 students of Preston International School took some time to relax after the just concluded IGCSE Exam, before resuming for serious academic work on Monday.
They visited the Old Idanre Hill located in Ondo state. They did not only go there to relax but to also learn about the historical background of the Hill. The Idanre Hill consists of high plain with spectacular valleys interspersed with inselbergs of about 3000 ft above the sea level. It's physically attributes includes Owa's Palace, Shrines, Old Court, Belfry, Agboogun foot print and Thunder water. It also has diverse and variegated eco-systems of flora.
The students were refreshed and really enjoyed their day.
View their fun pix here.